Our team

We are a team of 30+ writers, editors, proofreaders and project managers. Some of us work full time for The Writing Company. Others are freelance contributors who split their time between TWC and other clients or pursuits (running a business, making music, publishing novels, starring in a reality TV series or mapping shipwrecks, to name a few).

We’re connected by our passion for creating good work, our appreciation for each other and our commitment to making our clients’ lives easier.

Nate Hardcastle

Managing partner

Michaela Cavallaro

Executive editor

Taylor Smith

Executive editor

Sean Donahue

Editorial director


Lauren Ostrov

Director of operations

Austin KilhamEditor

Austin Kilham

Senior editor

Matt KuhrtEditor

Matt Kuhrt

Senior editor

Peter McDougall

Senior editor

Andrew PalmerEditor

Andrew Palmer

Senior editor

Judy Marchman

Proofreading project

Meghan Gaven

Business manager

Clint Willis


Interested in joining our team?

We are an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to building and supporting a team with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and skills. We value diversity, inclusion and respect for every individual at The Writing Company because these qualities create a positive environment, strengthen our community and improve our work.

Please tell us about yourself using this form.